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Dont miss out upcoming GA²LEN Allergy School in Sitges, Spain 18th - 19th October 2024


Allergy Schools

The format of a GA²LEN School is pre-defined: During the 1 to 1.5 days of the program, participants will learn about the differential diagnosis, the diagnostic workup, the therapy and practical issues of one or more specific diseases in the field e.g. allergic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, psoriasis and urticaria management. They will also be informed on the burden of disease and the pathogenic background. Within the program there are three types of elements: Lectures, hands-on workshops and the tests. The GA²LEN faculty’s role is to inform participants with our lectures about the diagnostic workup and the therapy. We usually involve participants and/or national experts with local case presentations, taking into consideration local specifics such as the availability of tests and treatment options. These lectures will be preceded by lectures on guideline recommendations for the diagnostic workup and therapy of a specific disease. The workshops are interactive group sessions where we teach participants about tools and tricks and instruments that are useful for the management of specific allergic types of diseases.

Dynamic features of GA²LEN Educational events

  • High levels of delegate interaction
  • Digital GA²LEN Diploma of Excellence Exam
  • Live Q & A sessions
  • Online voting
  • Delegate self-assessment tests with results
  • Delegate event feedback
  • Session ratings
  • Find out what your audience really think